

02-2730-3292 、02-2733-3141ext 7476
學歷 美國伊利諾大學香檳分校材料科學暨工程研究所,博士,1992
Ph.D., Materials Sci. & Eng., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA, 1992
• 金屬及薄膜材料
• PVD濺鍍與蒸鍍製程
• 材料科學與工程系 講座教授 Dept. of Materials Sci. and Eng., Chair Professor, 2022/01 - now
• AVS Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology (JVST), Associate Editor, 2023/01 - now
• Thin Solid Films, Editorial Board, 2011/07 - now.
• 中國材料科學學會 第37-38屆副理事長,Vice President, Materials Research Society-Taiwan (MRS-T), 2020/03 - 2024/02
• 副校長Vice President, 2018/02 - 2021/01
• 副研發長、研發長 Vice Dean, Dean, Office of Research and Development, 2013/02 - 2018/07
• 奈米工程中心 兼主任 Nanotechnology Center, Director, 2009/08 - 2019/07
• Frontiers in Materials, Specialty Chief Editor in Thin Solid Films section, 2016/09 – 2022/10
• 台灣鍍膜科技協會 理事長,President, Taiwan Assn. for Coatings and Thin Films Technology (TACT), 2012/01 - 2014/01.
• 工程學院 兼副院長 College of Engineering, Vice Dean, 2010/10 - 2013/01
• 材料科學與工程系 特聘教授 Dept. of Materials Sci. and Eng., Distinguished Professor, 2012/06 - 2021/12
• 工程技術研究所 兼所長 Graduate Institute of Engineering, Chairman, 2009/02 - 2011/07
• 材料科學與工程學系 教授 Dept. of Materials Sci. and Eng., Professor, 2007/08 - 2012/06
• 中國工程學刊 執行編輯 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Executive Editor, 2008/08 - 2015/07
• 中國材料科學學會 理事,出版委員會主任委員
  The MRS-T, Member of the Council, Chairman of Publication Committee, 2008/02 - 2012/02
• 臺灣鍍膜科技協會 常務理事,學術委員會主任委員
• Taiwan Assn. for Coatings and Thin Films Technology (TACT), Standing Member of the Council,
   Chairman of Academic Committee
• 國立臺灣海洋大學材料工程研究所 副教授、教授、兼所長
  Ass. Professor, Professor and Chair, Institute of Materials Eng.,National Taiwan Ocean Univ., 1993/08-2007/07
• 國立臺灣海洋大學貴重儀器中心 兼主任
  Chair, User Center for Precious Instruments, National Taiwan Ocean Univ., 2007/01-2007/07
1.金屬及薄膜材料:金屬玻璃(Metallic Glasses)
2.濺鍍製程:Barrierless Cu Metallization, metallic/ceramic films
3.材料分析:Materials Characterizations
Vacuum and Thin Film Technology, Metallic and Ceramic Thin Films, Various Materials Characterizations
1. 終身科學影響力排行榜(2021,2022), Top 2% Most Influential Scientists List (Career Impact) (2021,2022) by Stanford University.
2. 全球排名前2%頂尖科學家(2021,2022), Top 2% Scientists 2021 and 2022 List by Stanford University.
3. 台灣鍍膜科技協會卓越貢獻獎, Excellent Contribution Award (Taiwan Association for Coatings and Thin Films Technology, TACT),2023/11.
4. 科技部大專學生研究計畫研究創作獎,共同指導學生陳鈺欣獲獎MOST College Student Research Creativity Award, Ministry of Science and Technology,
Taiwan, Co-supervised student Yu-Hsing Chen, 2022/06.
5. 科技部傑出研究獎,MOST Outstanding Research Award, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, 2021/04.
6. 110年度國立台北科技大學傑出校友,Taipei Tech Distinguished Alumni, 2021.
7. 第三屆材料科技教育紮根微電影創作比賽,指導學生劉芝羽獲金牌獎,
2020 Materials Research Society-Taiwan (MRS-T) Micro-Movie Contest Gold Medal Award, Supervised student Chih-Yu (Michelle) Liu, 2020/11.
8. 學生磨潤科技實務技術競賽,指導學生章家維獲第二名,Tribology Practice Technology Contest for Students, The First Runner-up, Supervised student
Chia-Wei Chang, 2020 International Conference on Engineering Tribology and Applied Technology, 2020/11.
9. 2019年侯金堆傑出榮譽獎(金屬冶煉), 2019 Tong Ho Steel Foundation Award (Metal and Metallurgy Category), 2019/12.
10. 第16屆國家新創獎(新創精進奬), The 16th National Innovation Award (Taiwan), 2019/12.
11. 第八屆有庠科技發明獎(生技醫藥類)
The 8th Y. Z. Hsu Technology Invention Award (Bio-medical Technology Category) by Far Eastern Y. Z. Hsu Foundation, Taiwan, 2018/08.
12. 2018法國巴黎Concours Lépine國際發明展,兩項銀牌獎(Two Silver Medals), Concours Lépine International Paris 2018, 2018/05.
13. 美國化學學會獎獲頒於日本東京奈米科技國際展
The American Chemical Society (ACS) Award at nano tech Japan 2018 International Nanotechnology Exhibition & Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 2018/02.
14. 第14屆國家新創獎(學研新創獎), The 14th National Innovation Award (Taiwan), 2017/12.
15. 2017年ICMCTF國際會議研究生金牌獎,指導學生游家齊獲獎
ICMCTF Conference Graduate Student Gold Medal Award, supervised student Chia-Chi Yu, 2017/05.
16. 中國材料科學學會第八屆會士,Fellow, Materials Research Society-Taiwan (MRS-T), 2016/11-now.
17. 中國材料科學學會傑出服務獎[兩次],Excellent Service Award, Materials Research Society-Taiwan (MRS-T), 2015/11; 2022/11.
18. 國立台灣科技大學【6次傑出研究獎、1次優良研究獎】,共16年獎助,
Excellent Research Awards, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, 2007-2022.
19. 國立台灣海洋大學【學術研究成就獎】,The Academic Achievement Award, National Taiwan Ocean University, 2007.
20. 國立台灣海洋大學【優良教師獎】,The Best Teacher Award, National Taiwan Ocean University, 2003.
21. 中國材料科學學會年會【論文優等獎】,The Best Poster Paper Awards, Chinese Materials Society Annual Meeting, 2006, 2007.
22. Who’s Who in Science and Engineering 2003-2008,2003-2008年世界科學與工程名人錄。
23. 國科會/原能會科技學術合作研究計畫【優良計畫獎】,The Best Research Project of 2001, Atomic Energy Council and National Science Council.